
3種遊戲模式,5個自由漫遊區域,早上與夜晚等不同時段讓你自由享受,你亦可以透過幽靈車系統挑戰你朋友或世界各地的最佳記錄,與各地飄移大師比拼一下實力!,Practiceyourfree-roamskillsandcompeteindrifteventslikedriftkhanaandmountaindrifting.Takethejourneyasyouhoneyourdrivingskillsina ...,Thisisadrivingexperiencelikenoother.Journeyfromapprenticetomasterdrifterasyouhoneyourskillinagorgeousminimalistworld....

【全新現貨】NS Switch遊戲Absolute Drift


Absolute Drift (Nintendo Switch) (Non-US Version)

Practice your free-roam skills and compete in drift events like driftkhana and mountain drifting. Take the journey as you hone your driving skills in a ...

Absolute Drift: Zen Edition

This is a driving experience like no other. Journey from apprentice to master drifter as you hone your skill in a gorgeous minimalist world.

Absolute Drift

Absolute Drift: Zen Edition is a peaceful driving game crafted to focus on control, precision and challenging yourself. FULL REVIEW Nintendo Switch.

Absolute Drift for Nintendo Switch

Push yourself to the limit on drifting tracks and wild mountain roads while you work to unlock trophies and elite events. Compete against ghosts of the top ...

Absolute Drift | Nintendo Switch download software

2020年12月3日 — Push yourself to the limit on drifting tracks and wild mountain roads while you work to unlock trophies and elite events. Compete against ghosts ...

Absolute Drift Review (Switch eShop)

2020年12月2日 — If you do manage to power through, though, it's a genuinely relaxing, satisfying experience. It's just a shame the game is hampered by poor ...